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How to Create a New Location Model

Have a new type of location that you want to add to the system?

This article will show you how to create new Location Models and link their topics. You MUST link the Topics to a Location Model in order for the Topic to appear in an inspection.

Click here for a training video on How to Add and Edit Topics and Questions

Below are the detailed steps on how to create a new Location Model and link it to the respective topics.

  1. From your Dashboard, under the Setup module, click on the Location Model tab on the left-hand side of the Menu.
  2. At the bottom of your Location Model list, click on the Add button to create a new Location Model.
  3. In the New Location Model window, add a Name for the location model. This will describe the function of this room type.  
  4. Add a Description of the location model you are creating. What is the purpose of this room?
  5. Select the Department to which this location model is associated.
  6. Select the Topics that you wish to have appeared in this location model. These Topics will appear in the inspection of a location with this location model.  Use the Available and Selected tables.
  7. Add Tags. Tags are keywords that can be used to search for a specific topic when in an inspection.
  8. Once the new location model is created, click on the Save button to add the new Location Model.


When creating a new location model or edit an existing one, you MUST link the Topics to a Location Model in order for the Topic to appear in an inspection.