Deleting an Inspection

Need to delete an already completed inspection?

Want to delete a test inspection or would like to redo an inspection, you can delete an inspection quickly and easily.

Below are the steps in order to delete an inspection.

(Note: Only Account Administrator and Evaluators can delete completed inspections.)

  1. From your Dashboard, access your completed inspections from the Dashboard Widget labeled Total Inspections, or the Dashboard Menu labeled Inspections.
  2. Click on Filter and use the filter parameters to locate the inspection you wish to delete.
  3. Once you have located the inspection you wish to delete, open the selected inspection.
  4. Review the inspection Details to ensure that it is the correct inspection that you wish to delete.
  5. Click on the Delete Inspection button.
  6. Confirm you would like to delete your inspection.
  7. Inspection successfully deleted.


If you would like to delete any test inspections or would like to redo an inspection, you can delete your inspection.