Inspected/Not Inspected Report by Operator
Want to know which Operators have or have not been inspected?
By running the Inspected/Not Inspected report by Operator, you can easily determine which operators have or have not been inspected. If the operator has been inspected, the report will display the date of the last inspection.
(Note: Only Account Administrators & Managers can run reports.)
When signed in to the system, click on the Reports tab in the left-hand menu bar. Once the menu is open, click on the Inspected/Not (Operator) report.
On the blue left-hand menu, you can filter on the following parameters:
a. Date Range
b. Operator
c. Operator Status
d. Evaluator
e. Assignment
f. Location Model - i.e. Patient Rooms, Waiting Areas, etc.
g. Campus
h. Building
i. Floor
j. Area
k. Room
The report data will update automatically as the filters are applied.
Note: Alternatively, you can down select by using the interactive cells within the report.
To export the report, click the icon "..." at the top right-hand corner of the report table and then click on Export data.
To open the report in Full Screen click on the arrows at the top right-hand corner of the report.
To focus/expand on the report table, click the Focus Mode icon.
To sort the data by Ascending or Descending, click on the column title you would like to sort by in the report.
Note: The example below is sorted by Operator.
- There are 5 elements to this report:
- # of Operators Inspected – the count of Operators inspected.
- # of Operators Not Inspected – the count of Operators not inspected.
- Total Operator Count – the count of total Operators.
- Pie graph of Operators inspected/not inspected.
Detailed Table – Displays every applicable Operator selected with the latest inspection date and count or "not inspected". Inspected Operators will also indicate the Location, Evaluator, Assignment from the last inspection.
To find the Operators that have not yet been inspected, you can run an Inspected/Not Inspected by Operator Report.